Wednesday 10 April 2013

Day 14: NZ 11/4/2013 06:00


Position: 8⁰ 5.0 S   123⁰ 9.9 W
Course: 270 at 6.0 knots 
Wind: 18 knots from 115  Building


Broke the steering cable.  Had no wheel steering for a while but am pleased to report that emergency steering tillers actually work, albeit with considerable effort. Kate slowly gaining feeling in her hand from tiller steering while Gary 'fixed' the problem. Gary now proficient at splicing wire.  We managed to jury rig one steering wheel and are limping on to Hiva Oa trailing a drogue to lessen the tension on the steering.  Will have to tighten the steering cable when we are confident the repair will hold.

Editors note: They sounded to be in good spirits.  They're 2/3 the way there.  Hive Oa now closer than Sydney is to Auckland!
Distance Today So far To go %
11-Apr 114 1,959 946 33%

1 comment:

  1. You can do it!!!!
    Nearly there :)

    Thinking of you both xxx
