Wednesday 7 November 2012

On the hard in Trinidad

We hauled Toodles at Powerboats Boatyard in Trinidad on Monday morning, bright and early.  By the end of the day we had removed the mast (including dismantling the running rigging and removing the boom), removed the broken conduit, had the hull cleaned, got two quotes for antifoul work, picked one and had them start that afternoon and done 4 loads of laundry!

That evening we stumbled into the local eatery, gobbled down our dinner in 10 minutes flat, then achieved the greatest feat - not falling asleep on our plates.

Being on the hard has already been a source of new experiences.  We have real neighbours who come and say hello and are great when you need to borrow a tool or two.  We can’t use our toilets, sinks or air conditioning.  This means that when you need to “go” in the middle of the night, it requires contending with the ladder and weaving your way around the boatyard to the bathrooms. Cooking is also kept to a minimum, requiring frequent trips to the Roti Hut (for you non-Carribeans, a Roti is a curry wrapped in a naan/roti bread – YUM). 

One very productive day down, 6 more to go!

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