Sunday 25 December 2011

Christmas in the Caribbean

We have been so obsessed with boat hunting that today, Christmas day, we realise we haven't even been swimming yet!  We grab our togs and towels and head for the beach.  The beach is empty when we arrive, somewhat unusual for a holiday we think.  We pick a spot under one of the thatched gazebos and bake in the sun.

After some time in the sun, we decide we should brave the water.  We remembered the ease at which we had slid into the lukewarm water last time we were here in 2008.   Maybe we have acclimatised to the heat here already, because it took us a good 10 minutes to get fully immersed!  Once in, we realise just how warm it is - about 28 degrees.  Not half bad.

Gary is invited by a boatie to go snorkelling around the reef just off the beach.  I sit and read my book and watch the comings and goings on the beach.  For the first time in a very long time, I realise that I am not worrying or thinking about much, I am just being.
Gary returns from his snorkel and heads off with his new friend to grab a beer of his boat.  They return with another boatie, this time a captain off a massive 65 ft Swan.  We talk boats for a while and then get invited for the grand tour.  The Swan is amazing, gleaming red with teak decks.  Down below she is fully kitted out.  Under bed night lights that glow onto the floor, a washer/dryer, and a crew cabin forward that looked just about as good as the master cabin in the boats we are looking at!

On our strict budget, we eat bread and cereal for lunch but head to Pegg Legs for dinner.  After dinner we ask for the bill, only to be told the credit card has declined.  I hand over all our money, down to the last dollar, which thankfully just covers the bill.  We call the bank and are told that the fraud team has put a hold on my credit card for suspected fraud.  Who knew you were meant to call your bank and inform them you were heading overseas before you go?  not me aparently!  We can't remove the hold on the card until Wednesday NZ time when the fraud team is back in the office after Christmas.  Looks like more bread and cereal for the next few days!

Off to bed now, got to get to some sleep before the damn rooster wakes us up at 5am.  Gary wants to buy a shot gun for that rooster.

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